2012 Articles and Presentations

March 8, 2012 Workshop Presentation

Nanotechnology in Nanocomposites – Jim Souza, PipeWrap, LLC
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May 16, 2012 Workshop Presentation

Current Topics in Composites Research – Michael W. Keller, Ph.D., P.E.
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering – The University of Tulsa
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September 7, 2012 – CRUG 2nd Annual Conference & Exhibition
Welcome and Overview

Chris Alexander, Stress Engineering, Inc.
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Codes and Standards

Franz Worth, Air Logistics
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Advanced Composite Repair Concepts

David Miles, Pipestream, Inc.
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Inspection of Composite Materials, Microwave Technology

Donald McNicol, Oceaneering Asset Integrity
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Inspection of Composite Materials: PRCI Project Overview

Richard Lee, ESR Technology
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Regulations in Relation to the Performance of Composite Repair Systems

Richard Sanders, RES Services, LLC
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Pipeline Safety Laws 192
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Pipeline Safety Laws 195
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2012 Articles

Alexander, C., and Brooks, C., ” Development and Evaluation of a Steel-Composite Hybrid Composite Repair System,” Proceedings of IPC2012 (Paper No. IPC2012-90573), 9th International Pipeline Conference, September 24 – 28, 2012, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Click here to view

Alexander, C., and Souza, J., “Advanced Insights on Composite Repairs,” Proceedings of IPC2012 (Paper No. IPC2012-90574), 9th International Pipeline Conference, September 24 – 28, 2012, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Click here to view

Alexander, C., (May 2012), “Design of an Optimized Composite Repair System for Offshore Risers Using Integrated Analysis and Testing Techniques,” Paper No. OTC-23164, 2012 Offshore Technology Conference, April 3– May 3, 2012, Houston, Texas.
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2012 CRUG Conference Sessions and Panel Discussions

Overview: Ongoing research and lessons learned
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Codes and Standards
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Advanced composite repair concepts: Reinforcement of axially-aligned notches in pipelines
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Inspection of composite materials, microwave technology
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Inspection of composite materials, PRCI project overview
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Regulations in relation to the performance of composite repair systems
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Panel Discussion – Regulations
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Panel Discussion – Technology
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Panel Discussion – Operators
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