2016 Articles and Presentations

February 18, 2016
Quarterly Meeting

Stephanie Weidman
PHMSA Program Director
Oversight & Safety Division Pipeline Safety
Railroad Commission of Texas
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September, 2016
6th Annual Conference & Exhibition

Keynote Address 1:
Alton Payne, JD, PhD
BSEE Regulations and Standards Branch
BSEE’s Innovation Culture: Using Innovation to Balance the Historically Prescriptive Climate of Regulations
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Dr. Chris Alexander, PE
Principal, Stress Engineering Services, Inc.
Composite Repair Technology:  Innovation Meeting Industry Demands
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Trevor Gundberg, PE
Director of Composites Engineering
Perspectives on Emerging Composite Technologies from a Materials Supplier
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Rhett Dotson, PE
Senior Associate, Stress Engineering Services, Inc.
The Role of Composites in Reducing Dent SCFs
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Texas A&M Senior Design Presentation
Design of a Diverless Composite Repair System for Underwater Pipelines
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Max Kieba
Engineering & Research Division
US Dept. of Transportation / Office of Pipeline Safety
Research & Development Driving Innovation
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Keynote Address 2:
Jeff Share
Editor, Pipeline & Gas Journal
An Industry in Transition: Where There is Oil & Gas, There Will be Pipelines
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Richard Kania, M. Eng., P. Eng
TransCanada Pipelines
Composite Reinforcement of Large Diameter Fittings
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Julian Bedoya, PE
Principal, Stress Engineering Services, Inc.
Elements of Engineering-Based Integrity Management Program: EB-IMP®
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Rodney Clayton, Staff Metallurgist
Boardwalk Pipeline Partners®
A Case Study on the Reinforcement of Seam Anomalies Using Composite Materials: One Year Later
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